Jason Heap has submitted his resume to the Navy Chaplain Corp. and he is being considered though he is an atheist. He feels that atheists must be represented equally in the modern military just as people of differing sexes, races, and sexual orientations are. So what’s the big deal? Atheists are people too right? If we prick them do they not bleed? Can’t we accept all? Is this not just another way the religious are bigoted? It could be considered thus in a world lacking in definition. A world which eschews order and logic in favor of the warm fuzziness of relativism.
Many believe that there is no difference which cannot be ignored until it simply goes away and this may be quite practical until it is untenable; at which point we have forgotten so much we have no idea what the problem actually is. We are dishonest with ourselves for the sake of some greater honesty. This is how dystopias are built.
Let us consider the case of Jason Heap, the would-be Navy Chaplain and the motto of the Chaplain Corp. “Pro Deo et Patria” or “For God and Country”. The problem is that the suggestion of an atheist Chaplain is simply dishonest at its very core; as we cannot serve a God we don’t believe in any more than we can serve a country we don’t believe in. Take for instance if you had a Chaplain who was an imam yet felt America was “the great Satan”. Here we have just the opposite of what is being proposed by Mr. Heap. We have an individual who believes in God but not in country. I feel that most would find this person detrimental to the mission of the Chaplain Corp. The only difference between finding “Deo” significant and “Patria” is that as an atheist he already finds God insignificant and thus disregards the importance and weight of that part of the motto; though one can plainly see it comes first within said motto and rightly so for Chaplains after all.
The problem is simple and pervasive in our culture; the problem is entitlement. We feel therefore we are entitled and therefore we are, to modernize Descartes. Therefore we have contradictory titles and terms becoming normal and accepted, like Army Intelligence.
Similarly we have the inherent contradiction within the term gay marriage. How can this be contradictory to anyone who is not a bigot? Well it is contradictory because marriage is about sex. The problem is we have no idea what that means. We use the term “sex” generically as a catch all for pertaining to a person’s sexual organs. We are wrong if we call masturbation “self-sex”. We are just as wrong to call “homosexual sex” sex.
Why? How can I possibly defend such hate speech? “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.” Well the answer is written not by our ability to intellectualize incongruities but in our bodies, ourselves. We can see a vast difference in the ability of male and female organs to accept the male; no woman ever has to understand the term “bottoming”. Women are padded, protected, and lubricated in most healthy individuals. Men accept men into thin walled, waste eliminators, with no natural lubrication save for perspiration, and no reason beyond the fact that there are nerves bundled there. Can we spot the difference and this is outside of the obvious procreate argument; which actually is a valid argument regardless of what Judge Sotomayor opines. Women have various obvious problems simulating sex as well, isn’t it all so obvious if we just look at it as a logic problem and not as “sex” per se.
The trouble once again is that we are entitled to our emotions and so we are entitled to our entitlement. So we have a Chaplain who cannot actually be a Chaplain and married couples who cannot actually “couple”. Even the BBC knows what “coupling” really means. We cannot accept what is true so we must make those who uphold those morals to be villains. They are bigots and hate mongers, but on a very superficial level aren’t they also entitled to their feelings; of course not, so bully on until there is no meaning in words. It is something greater even than Orwellian doublethink; it is nothink.
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